Pinchos Lipschutz
Gemara (Me’ilah 17a) cites a story to depict the ongoing
confrontations during the period leading up to the Chanukah miracle
between the Jews and their oppressors, the Greeks.
Reuvein Ben Istraboli was going to meet with Greek officials. Prior to the
meeting, he had his hair cut in the style of the Greeks, so that he would not
appear as a Jew. He began his discussion with them, expressing why the gezeiros
they placed on the Jewish people made no sense. He discussed the three main
edicts they had established and enforced in a bid to separate the Jews from
their religion.
he brought up each edict and demonstrated how it would not accomplish their
goal, and would actually strengthen the Jews, they repealed the gezeirah,
until all three gezeiros were rescinded.
somehow, they realized that he was a Jew. When that happened, they
reestablished the three harsh edicts.
obvious question is: If they had been convinced that the effect of their
decrees would be contrary to their intentions, why would they reinstate them
after learning that the person who had convinced them was Jewish? Did his
religion change the facts or the proofs he had cited?
answer is that this is another manifestation of the hatred the nations of the
world have for the Jews. It is not rooted in reality or intellect. Rather, it
is an irrational, inbred hatred dating back thousands of years. Even if it is
proven to them that they are mistaken in their facts and actions, they will
persist in their hatred of us.
a look at the present war, in which no rational person can argue that Israel
doesn’t have a right to self-defense against a barbaric enemy sworn to its
destruction. Yet, all around the world, people are marching against the Jewish
genocide, crying, “How dare they defend themselves? How dare they go after a
terror group that brutally murdered 1,200 of its citizens, wounded 5,000 of
them and took some 250 hostages?
intelligentsia, the bastions of higher learning and the mainstream media side
with the terrorists, doing what they can to foster sympathy and support for the
countries, which are also targets of Islamic terror, support the terrorists and
their cause. The United States, the beacon of freedom in this world, works
actively to crimp Israel’s ability to realize its stated goal of destroying the
terror group and not allowing it to establish bases along Israel’s border. The
president and vice president announce publicly and repeatedly that their goal
is to establish a Palestinian state in Yehudah, Shomron and Gaza at the war’s
is no logic involved in that pursuit, which has no basis in fact or history,
for there never was a Palestinian state and there never was a Palestinian
nation prior to the founding of Israel. Any land that Israel has given them in
the pursuit of peace has served as a base for attacking Israel and Jews. Yet,
the nations of the world meet and plot and discuss how they will force Israel
to end the war before it is able to win, and how they will force Israel to
agree to the establishment of a state for their enemies on their doorstep as a
reward for murdering so many Israelis.
this war continues to rage, there are flashes of Divine kindness, reminding us
that He is in charge and that we all play a role in the war’s success.
message is inherent to Chanukah, which we begin celebrating this week.
question is often posed why the Yom Tov of Chanukah was
established to commemorate the miracle of the pach shemen. The Jewish
people found one small jug of tahor pure olive oil, which was sufficient
for one day’s lighting of the menorah. Miraculously, that small jug was
used to light the menorah for eight days, until they were able to
produce uncontaminated oil.
were many miracles that took place daily in the Bais Hamikdosh, yet
there is no commemoration for them, so why is there one for this miracle?
it would appear that the much greater and impactful miracle was the Jewish
people’s ability to overcome the much larger and stronger army of their
authoritarian tormentors and achieve victory against those who sought their
annihilation. Why wasn’t the Yom Tov established to commemorate the
military victory?
Chaim Shmulevitz answered that the miracle of the pach shemen was
smaller than winning the war, but it indicated Hashem’s love for His people.
When they found that jug and were able to light the menorah for eight
days, it was, so to speak, a kiss from Hashem to His beloved. That was the
reason why the Yom Tov that celebrates the victory was established as a
tribute to the smaller miracle.
the current war, which was launched in response to a terrible tragedy, Hashem
has been exhibiting His love for His people. On Simchas Torah, the
terror attack was unleashed for reasons we cannot understand, but we know that
it was brought about by Hashem. Everything that happens in this world is
Divinely caused, but sometimes knowing that is a matter of faith and other
times it is clearly evident.
is now known that Hamas had been planning the attack for a long time and
Israeli intelligence people close to the ground found out about the plans and
reported them to their superiors. The intelligence went up the chain of
command, until it was negated and ignored. Spotters who sat and watched what
was going on near the border on their screens were convinced that something bad
was on the way, but the people they reported to told them to stop with their
reports; it was impossible that anything was in the offing.
Israel-Gaza border fence was considered the safest and most sophisticated in
the world. But on that tragic day, it failed to keep out the murderers, and its
electronic warning systems did not work either. From when the terrorists began
their rampage, it took the army seven hours to reach the multiple scenes and
begin to battle the savages.
could have imagined that the attack would have worked out like that. It is
obvious that the Yad Hashem was guiding the events.
were many people who survived the pogrom and went public with their stories.
Some said that they repeated Shema Yisroel dozens of times, and as they
did so, terrorist bullets flew off of their car, speeding away to escape the
carnage. Others told stories of how they spoke to Hashem, begging Him to save
them, and they were saved. The variety of stories is amazing and a chizuk
in emunah. Even in a time of din, there is rachamim.
the Soton and his Yishmoeli messengers were slaughtering 1,200
Jews, there were many Heavenly kisses evident that saved many people from
certain death.
even as the battles rage in Gaza, stories are circulating of Divine kisses
intervening and saving soldiers from death.
a result of these signs from Shomayim, untold numbers of Jews are
looking to establish a relationship with Hashem and his Torah. We have written
about this in the past and the stories are well known. People who never davened
or observed mitzvos have accepted upon themselves to wear tefillin
daily, to learn Torah, to observe Shabbos, and to bring themselves
closer to Yiddishkeit.
Fridays ago, a high-ranking army officer arrived at a major yeshiva in
Yerushalayim. He came from Gaza to speak to the well-known and respected rosh
yeshiva. The rosh yeshiva was not in the yeshiva then and the
officer didn’t have time to go to his home, because he had to rush back to
Gaza. After all, there is a war going on. And so, he left a voice
message with the security officer. This is the message he left for the rosh
yeshiva, which I verified, heard and translated for you:
deepest respect, I wanted to personally thank you in the name of all the
soldiers in my battalion who are serving in Gaza. I meet with soldiers in Gaza
and across the border in Israel, and I see with my own eyes the Hashgocha
Elokis. It appears as if Hakadosh Boruch Hu Himself is accompanying
each and every soldier and is saving their lives.
you are doing is simply fascinating. Your tefillos and Torah learning on
behalf of the soldiers are protecting them. Thank you from the hearts of all
the members of our battalion.
tell me personally, ‘We don’t know what is going on here. We have our own
personal Hashgocha Elokis. It is impossible that we aren’t getting
killed by all the shooting that is directed at us. It makes no sense that we
have survived and are alive.’
now understand that what you are doing in the yeshiva is holy work and
you are a part of this entire war. Thank you. Thank you. I love you.”
that not a kiss from Hashem amidst a dreadful war? Should we not be celebrating
the miracles that these people are experiencing daily?
is the message of Chanukah, knowing that even in times of tragedy and
suffering, Hashem sends signs from above that He is watching us, looking out
for us, and holding our hands. As the posuk states, “Gam ki eileich
begei tzalmovess lo ira ra ki Atah imodi – Even when I walk in the valley of
death, I fear no evil, because You are with me.”
was evident at the time of Chanukah and is apparent today.
things aren’t going the way you want them to – people aren’t behaving properly
toward you or you have a health issue, a financial problem, or some other
challenge – you must remember that everything that happens to us comes from
Hashem and is for our benefit. Sometimes kindness is obvious and other times it
is not. When you get a kiss from Above, it is a reminder that He is there,
watching over you.
we celebrate great nissim that occurred in the past and when we read and
hear stories of miraculous recoveries and happy endings throughout the ages, in
good times and in bad, it should bring us cheer and reason to sing shiros
Ah freilichen
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