Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
news since Simchas Torah has been downright frightening. Twelve hundred
innocent people were killed just because they were Jews. They weren’t just
killed. They were brutalized in a most gruesome manner. Hundreds more were
wounded. Some 240 were captured and brought back to the terror swamp that is
Gaza, to be held in primitive conditions.
an initial, fleeting, sympathy phase, the world reverted to its ancient hatred
of Jewish people of all types. Political, industrial and educational leaders
began bashing Israel for defending itself and battling its despicable enemy
according to the rules of engagement. Huge public protests were quick to
follow, with Muslims, students and leftists around the world marching against
Israel’s “genocide.”
Israel’s loss was clearly evident, as was the ability to understand that no
nation could tolerate the barbarism visited upon it by nearby savages, the
world didn’t and doesn’t care. No matter what happens, Israel is always wrong
and the Jews are always guilty.
now, while Jews in Israel and around the world celebrate the homecoming of
elderly women and young children who never hurt anyone, Palestinians are
rejoicing over the return of their peers who failed in their missions to kill
early Zionists believed that anti-Semitism was rooted in the statelessness of
the Jewish people. If they would have a state of their own, not only would the
world respect them, but they would also be able to defend themselves and fight
back against enemies of the Jewish people. They would have an army and police
of their own, statesmen, and all the trappings of a regular, normal country.
They would no longer be knocked about from country to country. They would
finally have a stable and safe home.
it was not to be. After sacrificing much Jewish blood and continuously raising
money around the world to fund their enterprise, it didn’t work as planned. The
inbred, senseless hatred is still there, as strong as ever, just waiting for an
excuse to erupt.
Shlomo Hamelech proclaimed thousands of years ago, “Ein kol chodosh tachas
hashomesh - There is nothing new under the sun.” Whatever was will be
again. Indeed, time has borne out the wisdom of his statement.
Ramban writes in his introduction to Parshas Vayishlach that the parsha
“was written to show that Hashem saved his servant from someone stronger than
him… The parsha contains an indication for future generations, for all
that occurred between Yaakov and Eisov will occur to us with Eisov’s children
[and we need to know that we should follow the path of our forefather Yaakov].”
is often recounted that Vayishlach helps guide our lives in golus. The
Midrash discusses how the chachomim who traveled to Rome for
negotiations and deliberations with the political rulers of Eretz Yisroel in
their day studied this parsha prior to setting out on their precarious
journeys. To succeed in their missions, they studied the first encounter
between Yaakov as an av and Eisov as a force in his own right. The
lessons learned from the exchange between Yaakov and Eisov guided the chachomim
in their interactions with Eisov’s offspring.
Maharal (Derech Chaim 5) teaches that the experiences of each of
the three avos parallels different periods in Jewish history. Yaakov, he
says, corresponds to the final golus of Edom in which we find ourselves
today. And just as Yaakov Avinu traveled a difficult, dark path until he
reached peace, so will we, his descendants, travel a lengthy, bumpy road
through the exile before we reach the eventual eternal peace and joy.
pesukim in this week’s parsha tell the story of the eternal
battle between the forces of kedusha and tumah, good and evil.
That same conflict forms our mission communally as Am Yisroel and
individually as bnei Torah, regularly forced to choose between
right and wrong and fight for it.
the sun started to rise and the battle between Yaakov and Eisov’s malach wound
down, the malach asked Yaakov to let him return to his heavenly home. Rashi
explains, based upon the Gemara in Maseches Chullin, that Eisov’s
malach had to say shirah that day and that was pressing him to
passage is commonly understood to mean that it just happened to be that this
day was the one that was predetermined for this particular malach to say
shirah. He begged Yaakov to release him, because he had been waiting
since the beginning of time for this day.
Chaim Soloveitchik understood the malach’s request on a higher level. He
explained that it wasn’t mere happenstance that the malach would be
singing shirah that day. Shirah is sung when a mission has been
fulfilled and shleimus has been achieved.
task of Eisov’s angel, who is the Soton and the yeitzer hora, is
to struggle with the forces of good - and to lose. His task is to provide the
challenge for the good people to overcome evil and for the good to overcome the
is because everything in this world was created to bring about and to increase kevod
Shomayim. Evil and the forces of evil were also created for this purpose.
They accomplish their mission when they provide tough challenges for the forces
of good. When the good beats them back, then kevod Shomayim increases
and evil, and the forces of evil, have done what they were created to do. When
that happens, they sing shirah.
until that fateful night, the malach of evil had not fulfilled his shlichus,
for every time, the power of tov was unable to beat him back. Each time
there was an epic battle, the force of evil prevailed over the forces of good
and the malach wasn’t able to bring about kevod Shomayim.
Since until the showdown with Yaakov he had not achieved the purpose for which
he was created, he was not yet able to sing shirah.
Yaakov Avinu was victorious, the malach’s destiny was realized.
He had fought hard, but the koach of good had won. He was now worthy of
singing the shiras Hashem, because by losing, he had fulfilled his
are tough. There is so much evil, and right now the evil seems to have the
upper hand. The world is mostly united against the Jewish state, and even the
countries that stand by it do so because they think that it will enable them to
force upon Israel an evil enemy state on its border.
is much confusion on many fronts and people lack a clear vision or
understanding of where they should be and on which side of which fence they
should stand.
as the day of the geulah approaches, the Soton devises difficult
vices with which to challenge us. The confrontations and challenges become
increasingly tough, and people are ready to just give up and allow the forces
of evil that plague us to win.
cannot let that happen. We have to summon our inner strengths and find within
us resources of energy and resilience to stay on the right side, just as Yaakov
just as the sun rose for Yaakov and he was able to withstand Eisov, his son and
his malach and safely return home with his family, so will it be for us.
After the battles with the Soton, after enduring the chicanery of Lovon
and the depravity of Eisov, Yaakov merits tranquility. And so shall we.
later led his children into golus, instilling in them the qualities that
they would need to persevere and thrive through a long exile. Yaakov’s
experiences guide us, his children, through a long and bitter journey through
many nations, and they remain as true today as they were in previous periods of
our history.
all their veneers, the children of Eisov we deal with today in Golus Edom
embody the same characteristics as their grandfather Eisov. Sometimes they
present themselves as achim, brothers, concerned about our welfare, and
other times their evil intentions are more readily apparent.
Baal Haturim in Parshas Toldos (25:25) calculates that the
numerical equivalent of Eisov is shalom, peace. Perhaps we can
understand the significance of this gematria by noting that even when
Eisov seeks to do battle, he presents himself as a man of peace.
speaks in peaceful tones and his actions appear to be motivated by a desire to
spread peace and brotherhood in the world. He presents himself as an
intelligent, thoughtful person. Many people are impressed by his cunning.
days, people review and post clips and photos of the mainstream media’s
reporting on Israel and become frustrated when they note how prejudiced the
media is and how the reporting is dishonest and twisted to support Hamas and
its cause.
Hamas sent out a picture of a bombed parking lot and claimed that Israel had
bombed the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, killing hundreds of people there and
wounding many more, the world took their world for it. Although Israel denied
it and the only proof was the word of Hamas and the photos they distributed,
the world accepted the claims of a barbaric, murderous group and blasted them
everywhere. The picture they painted in the psyche of the world can never be
erased. Furious demonstrations erupted around the world. Leaders were quick to
condemn Israel, and by the time it became impossible to continue to claim that
the hospital had been blown up, they moved on to the next lie.
Israel reported that that very hospital was a Hamas headquarters with
labyrinths of tunnels containing command posts and weapons, the very same media
mocked Israel for making up stories to justify their genocide of innocent
civilians. It wasn’t until Israel, America’s only trustworthy ally in the
region, brought mainstream reporters to the tunnels that they accepted what has
been a known fact for many years.
they continue to publish daily the casualty numbers Hamas provides for the
number of civilian deaths caused by Israel’s “indiscriminate” bombing, when it
is well-known that Israel warned everyone to leave the area and goes out of its
way to spare civilian lives whenever possible.
examples of the hatred for the Jews abound. We’ll just cite another few. As the
hostages were freed at the Rafah Crossing, the leaders of Spain and Belgium
arrived at that spot to condemn Israel. Is there anything more hypocritical?
American administration is much better than they are, and is providing
immeasurable assistance to Israel, but President Joe Biden continues to insist
that when the war is over - and he’s doing his best to bring it to a quick end
- a state will be established for the Palestinians.
all that has happened in Gaza since Israel left there in 2005 and handed it to
the Palestinian Authority, and the people voted in democratic elections for
Hamas to rule over them, creating a terror state and a base for attacks on
Israel, the fiction continues: Reward a murderous, treacherous group that has
no honest right to a state with just that - a state from which to terrorize
Israel and then the West.
Biden said this week that he is doing his best to end the war quickly and so
once again the United States is working to snatch a ceasefire from the jaws of
an Israeli victory, as they have been doing since Israel’s founding. And if
doing so will lead the Israeli people to topple Netanyahu for not following
through on his promise to totally wipe out Hamas, Biden and his gang will be
even happier.
we accept that this is our role and fate in golus, that we are on the
same journey that Yaakov Avinu was on, then it becomes more bearable and
Ein kol chodosh tachas hashemesh.
as their grandfather, Eisov, using the banner of peace, with niceties and
catch-phrases, his grandchildren betray their arrogance and anti-Semitism,
disguised as concern for justice, calling for a lasting ceasefire. Some march
in the streets with banners, while others use diplomatic double-talk to prevent
Israel from taking down terrorists who aim for them as well.
must remember that they are all tools of Hashem to somehow create kevod
Shomayim in ways yet to be seen. They are here to perform a mission, to
help us strengthen kedusha and defeat tumah. They are here to
present challenges to the bnei Yaakov, so that we can overcome them and
triumph. As the bnei Eisov perform their shlichus, we have to
perform ours and do what we can for the koach hatov to achieve supremacy
over the koach hora.
pattern of Yisroel bein ha’amim is symbolized by the struggle between
Yaakov and the sar of Eisov, which ended when the sun rose. The Torah
reports, “Vayizrach lo hashemesh vehu tzoleia al yereicho - The sun rose and
Yaakov was limping.” He limped, but the sun shone. Good triumphed over the
“Al kein lo yochlu Bnei Yisroel es gid hanosheh.” The Torah commands us not to eat
the gid hanosheh, to remember that although Eisov and his men can hurt
us, and they certainly have, if we remain strong and loyal to the precepts of
Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov as expressed in the Torah and handed down
throughout the ages by Chazal, the Gaonim, the Rishonim,
the Acharonim, our rabbeim, our grandparents and our parents, we
will merit real peace and a brightened world, ohr chodosh al Tzion to’ir
v’nizkeh chulonu meheirah le’oro, with the coming of Moshiach very
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