Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
For many Israelis, the day began the same way. They were
sitting at home, drinking their morning coffee, when the air raid siren
sounded. At first, they thought it was a false alarm that was ruining the
peaceful silence of their Shabbos morning, which also was Shemini
Atzeres and Simchas Torah. There wasn’t anything that could ruin the
festive day ahead of them.
But then the siren blared again and again. They knew it
was serious. Then, depending on where they were, they heard the sound of the
booms of rockets being blown up by the Iron Dome. They looked out of the window
and saw empty, desolate streets, except for the occasional person scurrying to shul.
As the day went on, bits and pieces of information
filtered into the frum communities from reservists being called up, from
Hatzolah and Zaka volunteers, and from people with non-Jewish help. But for
those away from the southern Gaza border area, the enormity of what was
happening didn’t sink in until later.
When Shabbos and Yom Tov were over, they
found out that they had lived through what was the deadliest day for the Jewish
people since the Holocaust. Over one thousand of our brothers and sisters were
killed, bombed, burned and mutilated in an historically horrific manner. Over one thousand dead. Some three thousand
wounded. Over 150 taken hostage.
Do we have any understanding of the immensity of the
tragedy of one thousand Jews being killed? How many people do we know? How many
people live in your neighborhood? How many people belong to your shul?
One thousand people is an entire world. Even one Jewish life is equal to an
entire world. Is there any way to absorb what happened?
Tears. Only tears.
Some three thousand Jews wounded. Devastating. Who knows
how many of them will survive? Do we have any idea of what it means when in war
time a person is listed as wounded? It doesn’t mean scratches. It doesn’t mean
things that a Band-Aid, or Tylenol, or Acamol can fix. We’re talking about the
types of wounds that last for a long time, that may never heal, inflicting
hardship and incessant pain. Nebach, we can cry for those people.
And how about those who were taken hostage by savages? Eini
eini yordah mayim. Rivers of tears are shed for each person those beasts
are holding. We shudder at the thought of what they must be enduring. Who knows
where they are and how they are being treated? Who knows what condition they
are in physically, let alone mentally? We daven for them with all of our
hearts that they be allowed to live and be kept whole and pure. We daven
that they be returned to their loving families bekarov.
The enormity of the tragedy is so immense that it is
difficult to grasp and feel what happened. Tragically, we have become sort of
immune to attacks in which one or two people are stabbed, shot, rammed or blown
up by a bomb. We read the news, are pained for a moment, and then our focus
shifts as we turn the page and some mundane topic occupies our mind.
Yes, it’s hard to wrap our minds around the thought that
one thousand innocent Jewish people were brutally murdered just because they
were Jews.
This horror is reminiscent of the Holocaust era, when Jews
were rounded up and chased through forests to be shot and killed just for the
crime of being Jews. Everyone knows the awful stories about the atrocities that
annihilated so many of our people during the Holocaust. Nobody thought that
those same scenes would be repeated in this century in a Jewish country.
The terrorists went from house to house, room to room,
shooting at anyone they found, no matter their age. They dragged people out of
the miklatim, killing them. Men, women, and children. Old and young, it
made no difference to them, just like the pogroms in Kishinev and cities and
towns across the Jewish Diaspora. Anyone who thought that those days had ended
got an awful awakening.
We have thankfully forgotten what war is.
The simplicity of the attack, consisting of a bunch of
backward savages armed with guns, overpowering the most technologically
advanced country in the world, was too much to bear. They killed hundreds of
people escaping from a festival, shooting them as they ran and then later as
they sought to flee in their cars. They dragged them out of the vehicles and
shot them. They took others as hostages.
The unskilled animals took over some 23 towns, killing
entire families and a dozen policemen in their station, and overrunning army
bases while beheading soldiers. They seized an army tank with the crew inside
and killed them.
There was nobody there to protect them. It took many
agonizing hours until Israeli forces were able to break through to rescue Jews
under siege in the moshavim. The great state that prides itself on its
army failed its people.
And when it is all over, the government, the Knesset, the
army, the police and the Shin-Bet will establish committees to figure out what
went wrong, how they failed on so many levels, and how to prevent such a
tragedy from occurring again. But the people’s belief in the army won’t fade.
They will cling to their trust in the intelligence, the police, the Shin-Bet,
or the entire vaunted defense complex.
How could it be that the most advanced army, with the most
courageous fighters, backed by the world’s best intelligence agency and the
toughest government in Israel’s history, allowed such a catastrophe to happen?
It is staggering that thousands of terrorists participated
in the attack, yet nobody noticed. The attackers came by land, crashing through
the world’s strongest border in eighty places and rushing through. No alarms
went off. Nobody monitoring the area saw anything. How can it be?
Terrorists came by air, flying over the border on
paragliders, yet nobody saw them coming. No radar picked them up. No human
intelligence and nobody guarding the border saw them. How is it possible?
It was possible because Hashem willed it so. When Hashem
is on the side of the Israelis, they are the mightiest, working miracles and
fighting like no one else. And when Hashem wants to teach Am Yisroel a
lesson about who their real Protector is, who really fights their battles for
them, and who it is that keeps their enemies at bay, then things that make no
sense happen, and the strongest, mightiest, and brightest are shown to be
helpless without the brachos of Hashem.
To me, this is a source of great nechomah, for we
see clearly and plainly that the reason a calamity of this magnitude has not
previously occurred is because Hashem prevented it from happening. We see that
the amazing Yad Hashem has been there for Am Yisroel all these
years, preventing something this atrocious from happening. We can be
appreciative that we merited the protection of our Divine Father and we can
pray that we merit again, all across the world, that He continue to protect us
from all those who seek our destruction.
When we see the realization of the klalos we
studied a few weeks ago in Seder Devorim, we know that when we rectify
our ways, we will return safety to all of Israel and enjoy all the brachos
Hashem has promised those who follow in His path.
The Chofetz Chaim, as quoted in the sefer Chofetz
Chaim Al HaTorah in this week’s parsha (perek 4, posuk 4)
says as follows: If there is a time when Am Yisroel veers from Hashem’s
path and mixes with the nations, this creates a kitrug in Shomayim
and catastrophe is paskened for them, r”l.
But in His infinite mercy, Hashem, who desires that the
wicked repent and not be killed, does something else. What does He do? He sics
the goyim on them to fight and torment them so that He can fulfill the posuk
which states, “VehaElokim yevakeish es hanirdof – Hashem sides with
the victim.” This is so even if a tzaddik is pursuing a rasha and
certainly when a rasha chases a tzaddik.
And so, continued the Chofetz Chaim, who could have
been speaking about today’s events, this is the explanation for what is
happening in our time. When we see that our nation has been made for a
laughingstock and our people are led like sheep to slaughter, killed, hurt,
lost and embarrassed, we have to know that the Pamalia Shel Maalah has
declared that we are, r”l, deserving of destruction.
But Hashem, in His compassion, seeks to find us
meritorious and works for our benefit. Therefore, He turns us into nirdofim,
victims, in such a terrible way, so that He can find sources of merit to save
us. And He enables us to absorb the blows and defeat our enemies. They will
crumble and fold, while we will rise and be strengthened and victorious.
Apparently, Rav Moshe Shterbuch had a premonition that something
awful was going to happen. On Sukkos, he spoke to the talmidim of
his yeshiva, and this is what he said: During the Holocaust period, one
year before Simchas Torah, word reached them in the yeshiva in
London about the terrible butchery that was being perpetrated by the Nazis
against European Jewry. The bochurim in the yeshiva were overcome
with grief and were crying bitterly over the fate of their relatives.
They approached the rosh yeshiva, Rav Moshe
Schneider, and told him that they would not be able to dance that year on Simchas
Torah. Rav Schneider responded, “Hitler can kill us, but he cannot uproot
even one minhag Yisroel. We will sing and dance as usual.”
Rav Shterbuch continued with his message: “We don’t know
what the future holds for us. We are in a very dangerous state now and must daven
to Hakadosh Boruch Hu that He save us and that we should be able to
remain strong and rejoice when Hashem returns to His nation, and simcha
and sasson will return to us speedily in our days.”
We just celebrated the beautiful Yomim Tovim of Sukkos
and Shemini Atzeres, during which we proudly stood reciting Hallel, shaking
our daled minim as we recited the request, “Ana Hashem hoshiah na
- Hashem, please help us.”
The Bais Halevi would say that when we plead for
Hashem’s assistance in Hallel and say, “Ana Hashem hoshiah na. Ana
Hashem hatzlicha na,” we don’t do more than utter a simple request. Please
help us. Please help us succeed. We don’t give examples and offer
suggestions of what He should do to help us or what we need.
He explained that this is because Hashem doesn’t need our
advice to tell Him how to help us. He knows what to do. We need to let Him run
things His way, for that way, we will all succeed and merit what is beneficial
for us.
We have all become armchair political strategists trying
to make sense of the bizarre. Instead, we should find ourselves in the bais
medrash, concentrating on learning Torah, recognizing that what happens is
Divinely orchestrated for reasons we may or may not understand with time.
We don’t understand what is happening. It is beyond human
comprehension. But we are people of faith and we know that there is a Divine
plan unfolding behind the scenes, way deeper and more impactful than we can
Far be it from me to try to understand Hashem’s plan, but
permit me to offer a thought, if only to demonstrate that we have no
comprehension of the world’s topical issues and events.
When it became known that Iran was on a mission to secure
for itself nuclear weapons with which to threaten Israel and the world, people
began to panic. Israel wanted to bomb the Iranian reactor, much as they bombed
the one Saddam Hussein was contracting in Iraq. America put a stop to that
idea, and people again began worrying that Iran would secure the bomb and wreak
havoc in Eretz Yisroel.
I had heard that my rebbi, Rav Moshe
Schapiro, had spoken about that crisis, so when I met him in the United States
at that time, I took the opportunity to ask him how he understood what was
going on. He answered that he saw it building to a crescendo, with a showdown
with Iran that would precipitate the coming of Moshiach.
Much has happened since he spoke those words. The US
administration struck a deal with Iran, which took the issue off the table. The
next president changed all that, backing out of the treaty. That began to
isolate Iran and squeeze the regime economically, forcing them to curtail their
nuclear ambitions. With the current administration, the United States returned
to the previous appeasement policy.
It makes no sense to us. How can they be so blind? How can
they be so foolish and misguided?
But we must all recognize that all that transpires is part
of a Divine plan. We may not always understand the workings of Hashem, but we
must recognize that He is what causes everything to happen and nothing happens
randomly, just “because.” As observant Jews, we must ensure that we don’t act
erratically and foolishly in golus. We may be in for hard times, but
let’s keep it all in perspective and remember that it is up to us and our maasim
tovim to determine the outcome of this trying period.
Rav Moshe Schapiro foresaw back then that the showdown
with Iran would lead to the coming of Moshiach, and for all we know, the
recent events will bring about the arrival of Moshiach. Let us hope and
let us pray.
We don’t know what the Ribono Shel Olam’s plan is,
but we beg him, “Ana Hashem hoshiah na.” Please, Hashem, help us and
save us from anyone’s evil plans.
Let us do what we all know is incumbent upon us to merit the
Divine mercy as the world prepares for the coming of Moshiach tzidkeinu,
bimeheirah beyomeinu.
We are Jews. No matter where we find ourselves and how
dire our circumstances are, we never give up and are never beaten. As bnei
Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov, we know that if we cleave to Hakadosh
Boruch Hu and follow in His ways, in the end, we will triumph.
Let us turn to Torah and tefillah, let us complete
the teshuvah process we began during Elul but apparently didn’t
finish, and let us practice ahavas Yisroel for real, loving one another.
Let us feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. Let us
imagine that they are our sons and daughters, and plead with Hashem for mercy
and rachamim.
Let us pray that this awful war will be the final step
leading to the geulah sheleimah. Amein.
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