A News Lesson
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Quite often, the news has the
ability to provide lessons for us in our daily lives.
For the past two decades, Joe
Biden, as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, vice president and as
president, has been agitating for a US withdrawal from Afghanistan. For most of
that time, he did not have the ability to carry through on his desire, as the
people with the real power ignored him.
That all changed when he became
president. He could no longer be ignored. Immediately after the election, the
Defense Department set out to convince him that it was imperative that the U.S.
keep a military presence in Afghanistan. So did his pick for Defense Secretary
and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who continued trying to convince
Biden until the decision was made. A group impaneled by Congress also
recommended that American troops only be pulled out if and when the condition
But Biden, portrayed by Democrats
and the media as a seasoned foreign relations expert, was convinced that an
immediate withdrawal was the way to go. Eighty-three billion dollars was spent
and over 2400 American servicemen lost their lives in the twenty year effort to
dislodge the Taliban and keep them from reassuming power in Afghanistan.
Biden said one month ago,
“There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the
roof of an embassy of the United States in Afghanistan.” As it happened, the
army pull out was guided by a date, not a plan, and thousands of Americans and
its friends were left stranded, clambering to escape the country before being
killed by the invading terrorists.
At that same time, the president
said, “The likelihood there’s going to be Taliban overrunning everything and
owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” Instead, he presided over a
humiliating end to American involvement in that country, which will be decried
for years to come.
Last week Biden said that he did
not regret the decision to leave. He said that the Afghan government and army
“have the capacity” to defend themselves and he was confident they would.
As recently as Friday, the
Pentagon spokesman said, “They have an air force, a capable air force. They
have modern equipment. They have the benefit of the training that we have
provided for the last twenty years.”
The State Department spokesman
said also on Friday, “We are evaluating the threat environment on a daily
basis. The Embassy is in regular contact with Washington with the most senior
people in this building, who in turn are in regular contact with our colleagues
at the [National Security Council] in the White House.”
Nothing to worry about. The
experts were having meetings and discussions and everything was under control.
As the American pullout was being rushed, the Taliban began
racking up victories. One region after another fell to them, and in no time at
all they had taken over the country.
Powerful America stood by with its mouth agape and nothing
of any consequence to say for itself. The president who started the whole mess
remained holed up in Camp David. Nobody heard from him. He had nothing to
offer. No good excuse. It took until Monday afternoon for him to fly to the
White House to read a speech blaming others for the debacle and saying he stood
behind the decision to pull up and leave. He then flew back to his bunker in
Camp David, safely ensconced and detached.
His secretary of state was speaking for the administration
on Sunday and was said to be “visibly shaken.” What a change from the previous
administration, which spoke strongly and was feared by friend and foe alike.
The best that Secretary Blinken could offer was that the Taliban had better
behave, because the US would not recognize them. As if that would scare them.
How can something like that happen? How can so many years
of human lives lost and money spent blow up in one week?
There are several answers to those questions and many more
associated with the Biden debacle. It shows what happens when a person makes up
his mind to do something and ignores the advice of experts. It also shows what
happens when people who aren’t smart are given the reins of power. It shows what
happens when a person’s judgment is clouded by preconceived notions and he
cannot see what is plainly visible to anybody else.
Last week, in Parshas Shoftim, we studied the
prohibition of bribing a judge. It is interesting that the Torah does not
articulate the issur that way. The posuk (16: 19) states, “Lo
sikach shochad – You shall not accept a bribe.” It does not say that you
shall not give a bribe to a judge who is adjudicating your case.
The posuk continues and offers an explanation as to
why the judge should not accept a bribe: “Ki hashochad ye’aveir einei
chachomim visaleif divrei tzaddikim - Because bribes blind the eyes of the
wise and confuse the righteous.”
Perhaps we can explain that the most important things a
person possesses are his integrity and intelligence, allowing him to perceive
what is going on in his courtroom and in the world. It allows him to study and
understand Torah. It helps him correctly serve Hashem and do whatever he is
doing properly. It allows him to correctly analyze situations and arrive at
proper solutions.
I took a break from writing this column to go daven Mincha.
I davened from the new siddur Tehillah L’Dovid, which my good
friend, Rav Dovid Farkas, gifted me. It is an excellent siddur, with
many halachos and peirushim to help enhance davening.
As I was following chazoras hashatz, I
noticed that before the brocha of “Atah chonein l’adam daas,” the
siddur offers the following introduction: “A person should understand
that the beginning of the tefillah is the request for wisdom. Shlomo
Hamelech, as well, did not request a long life, nor wealth. Rather, he asked
for wisdom… We ask Hashem for intelligence and clear thinking so that we will
detest evil, choose good, and understand taamei Torah, and through this,
man is separated from animal, for without wisdom and intellect, a person is
I took that as support for the explanation of why the Torah
forbids bribery. It is to preserve our ability to maintain a proper thought
process so that we can be proper bnei and lomdei Torah.
This week’s parsha begins with the words, “Ki seitzei lamilchomah al oyvecha - When you go to war against your enemy.” While the Torah is speaking of a time when the Jewish people will go to
combat against a physical enemy, many meforshim understand the posuk to be referring allegorically to Jews battling their yeitzer hora. Our rabbeim teach us
(based on Chovos Halevavos, Shaar Yichud Hamaaseh) that the most
dangerous enemy man has is the yeitzer
hora. We can never rest in battling him or we will be
defeated by him.
In the month of Elul we determine anew that we must and can defeat him.
We are now
in the middle of Elul,
with Rosh
Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Hoshanah Rabbah, Simchas Torah and so much more to look forward to.
We all have a personal mission
now, the success of which brings us to a realm of blessing and happiness. We
get there by undertaking a self-examination to see what we are doing correctly
and what needs improvement.
In order to be able to properly
prepare ourselves for the yemei hadin, we need to use our daas. It
takes wisdom and courage to correctly assess where we are holding at this stage
of Elul and what
lies ahead of us. If we fool ourselves, we will lose the opportunity to take
advantage of these days of rachamim Hashem gave us to straighten
ourselves out.
In Parshas
Shoftim, we learn about the preparations
Am Yisroel engages
in prior to going to battle. Weak soldiers are weeded out, lest their presence
lead to defeat.
The posuk (Devorim 20:2) relates that before the Bnei Yisroel go to war, the kohein announces to the nation not to
fear battling their enemy, for Hashem will be with them, assisting them and
ensuring their victory.
Following that, the shotrim address the people and seek out
those who fear war: “Mi ha’ish hayorei verach
haleivov? Yeileich veyashov leveiso - Who is the man who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him leave and return
home” (ibid. 20:8).
What is it about this fellow that
causes him to be afraid to go into battle after the kohein promised that Hashem will be
joining them in the war and guaranteeing their success? Rav Yosi Haglili (Sotah 43a) explains that the man who
leaves is afraid to fight because he is a sinner. In order to be worthy of
fighting in Hashem’s army, every soldier must purge himself of sin.
In order to be worthy of victory,
there can be no ra - no evil or sin - because ra separates man from Hashem. In order for a soldier to merit Divine
beneficence, there can be no aveiros disconnecting him from Hashem.
Ki seitzei lamilchomah al oyvecha. We are now in a battle against the yeitzer hora. We must beat him so that the
barrier that has been erected between us and Hashem can come down. That barrier
brings us down and can lead to our defeat r”l during the yemei hadin.
Where do we start? What can we do
to enhance the meaning of Elul personally and for others, thus helping ourselves and those around us
merit a successful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, leading to a joyous, successful and healthy year? The parshiyos that we lain these weeks offer many lessons
and examples for us to follow.
We learn the parshiyos of the week and find in their
pesukim hints of support and encouragement in our daily exercises and
battles. Without honesty and wisdom, we cannot expect to overcome the yeitzer
hora, our ever-present enemy who seeks to detour us from our missions and
intrude on our efforts to improve ourselves.
Every time we have an urge to do something, we need to
consider whether that urge is coming from the yeitzer hatov or the yeitzer
hora. If it will bring us closer to Hashem and make us a better person,
then we should follow the urge, but if it will lead us away from Hashem and
take us from our Elul mission, we should refrain from doing it and seek
to rid ourselves of the urge.
It can take honesty and strength to recognize which acts
will help us and which will not. We need to engage in the study of Torah and mussar
especially in this period. We should pay special attention to davening
and concentrate on what we are saying and the translation of the words, so that
we can effectively be inspired and advocate for ourselves.
We need not look further than the news pages to see what
happens when people do not have wisdom, failing to properly comprehend a combat
situation. America spent twenty years in Afghanistan to prevent it from
becoming a terrorist haven again. The war in that region began following the
terror attacks of September 11, which emanated from that part of the world,
where terrorists were allowed to operate with impunity.
People who read the map and understood the situation in
that region realized that without rooting out the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS and
their compadres from those areas and robbing them of a foothold and home, the
forces of evil would not be defeated. They would be ever-present, lurking,
plotting and carrying out deadly attacks on Western targets.
The present administration determined that twenty years,
2,000 lives, and billions of dollars were enough. We can’t continue the war.
It’s time to declare victory and leave.
The world quickly saw what happens when you quit the
It happened now during Elul so that we will see for
ourselves what happens when you decide that you can’t fight the yeitzer hora
anymore. What happens when you decide that you are tired of fighting and
have fought enough. What happens when you negotiate with the yeitzer hora and
think you got him to come around and stop battling you.
The yeitzer hora never sleeps. He never tires. He
never gives up. He lies in wait, plotting his moves. He wears you down,
inducing you to think that there is a common goal, that he will behave, and
that he means everything for your good. The minute you acquiesce to him, he
comes in for the kill. As soon as he senses weakness, he is all over you,
pulling you down, destroying you.
You can never negotiate with him. You can never think that
he might mean it all for your benefit. You can never be fooled into doing
something that if you would use your intelligence, you would know that it is
wrong and detrimental to your well-being. There is no bribe that makes it worth
doing an aveirah.
How did they do it? How did America blow this so badly? The
same way someone skips Mincha one day and buys something very tasty but
not really kosher. How did they do it? The same way someone skips out of the bais
medrash and takes a drive down to the beach instead.
The battle against the yeitzer hora is constant, but
it is winnable, especially in this month of chesed, when we receive huge
assists as we arm up to defeat our eternal enemy. We use our daas and chochmah.
We don’t allow our thought process to be corrupted. We do what good Jews have
done since the chet ha’Eigel and seriously regret our errors and
missteps. We fight our way back, every day getting a little better, showing
improvement and getting closer to our goal of keeping ourselves free of any
smattering of evil, because that is what chet is - evil.
The sooner we realize that, and the sooner we get to work,
the easier and more victorious we will be in our battles.
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