What’s Doing?
By Rabbi Pinchos
Va’eira, which we lain this week, is the second parsha in the seder of geulah. Although
Shemos, Va’eira and Bo are
separately named parshiyos, together
they tell the remarkable story leading to our nation’s redemption from slavery.
Moshe Rabbeinu appears before the Bnei Yisroel and attempts to shine rays
of hope about the future upon them. He promises that after hundreds of years of
servitude, the Jewish nation would be redeemed. And guess what happened? Nobody
cared to listen to him. The posuk
(6:9) reports, sadly and hauntingly, “Velo
shomu el Moshe mikotzer ruach umei’avodah kashah.”
Just try to imagine the scene. Moshe
Rabbeinu was tending to his flock in the wilderness as he had been doing for
many years, ever since he escaped from Mitzrayim. Suddenly, he beheld the
extraordinary sight of a bush aflame. He stopped what he was doing to consider
what was taking place in front of him, as he wondered how it could be that the
fire was burning but the bush wasn’t being consumed.
Like his ancestor, Avrohom Avinu, who
studied the world and concluded that it could not have come into being by
itself, as the Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 39:1) relates, Moshe
perceived that the Creator was announcing His Presence. He recognized that this
was a defining moment in his life.
While Moshe was standing at the bush, the
Ribbono Shel Olam addressed him,
stating that he has been selected for a lofty mission, with a mandate to save
His people.
Moshe asks for assurance. “What Name
shall I tell them?” he says.
Hashem revealed Himself using the name of
“Ehkeh asher Ehkeh - I will be with
them through this golus and all the
subsequent travails and hard times.”
Moshe was fresh off experiencing the
revelation of the Creator of heaven and earth, who had decreed that the
children of the avos, Avrohom,
Yitzchok and Yaakov, to whom He had previously appeared, would be enslaved in a
strange land and eventually freed.
No doubt exultant after his long
conversation with Hashem and bearing the knowledge that the painful enslavement
would soon end, Moshe went to share the good news with his brothers and sisters
who had been suffering for as long as anyone could remember.
He appeared to them and said the five
most glorious expressions of geulah,
the very words they had been waiting to hear their entire lives and we
celebrate until today at the Pesach seder:
vehotzeisi, vehitzalti, vegoalti,
velokachti and veheiveisi.
Tragically, almost unbelievably, the
enslaved heirs of the avos to whom
Hashem had previously appeared didn’t listen.
“Velo shomu el
Moshe mikotzer ruach umei’avodah kashah.”
They didn’t listen. They couldn’t listen. They didn’t have the keilim with which to listen. They were
incapable of hearing the words that would have transformed everything for them.
They failed to digest the message promising hope for a better tomorrow.
Like every posuk in the Torah, this posuk
is recorded for posterity to instruct and guide us. The words and their lessons
remain relevant for eternity. We must always be ready to hear words of hope and
We live in a state of constant
anticipation, always awaiting good news. Like the Chofetz Chaim, with his special kappota
ready for Moshiach’s imminent
arrival, we all carry a sense of expectancy, viewing the events around us
through eyes that look beyond them, our ears listening for the footsteps of our
The situation in our world is bleak, to
be sure. Suddenly, it has once again become acceptable to be anti-Semitic. Each
day, it seems, there is graffiti in some other supposed safe place, reminding
us that we are in golus. Tiny Eretz
Yisroel is being targeted by despots
and crazies. The Torah community has its own problems and is being targeted by
secularists, who quietly prepare to take the reins of power from Binyomin
Netanyahu and consolidate power without him or his religious and right-wing
We hear angry words and threats from
Iran, but we see past them, as we wonder if this is yet another step in
preparing the world for the final redemption.
The sun shines brightly, though at times
its rays are concealed by clouds. We have the ability to see beyond the clouds
to the light and warmth of the sun.
Few things are more disturbing than
encountering bitter people. They are surrounded by opportunity and blessing,
yet they insist on concentrating on the negatives. Such people remain locked in
by the inability to see beyond the negativity that envelopes them. They are
unable to see past the darkness to better days.
Two people meet and one says to the
other, “Shalom Aleichem. What’s
doing?” Chances are that if there is nothing sad or negative to report on, the
other fellow replies, “Nothing.” If there isn’t a good fight to discuss or a silly
comment someone made, or a death, or some other calamity, then nothing is
Why is that? There is so much good in our
world, so many good things going on, yet that doesn’t seem worth discussing.
There is much to be happy about and proud of, yet too many are consumed by the
negative, concentrating on the bad news and failing to see the entire picture.
We forget that we are blessed to live in
a land of plenty, which provides for the poor and those unable to make ends
meet. Nobody goes to bed hungry, everybody has a warm place to be.
We just experienced dozens of siyumim of Shas around the world. Wherever there is a kehillah of Jews, there was a Siyum
Hashas, with almost total communal participation. Everyone joined together
with achdus to celebrate the
achievement. That’s a good thing. Look at the good. Don’t look to take
There are so many people, yeshivos, schools and organizations
doing good things. There are so many generous people supporting them. Look at
the good and rejoice in it.
Fresh off the Holocaust, which almost
decimated our people, we have reestablished ourselves and now flourish in
cities and towns across the globe. The waves of assimilation that plagued
first-generation religious Americans are non-existent. We can basically do what
we want, where we want, and no one bothers us.
Why the negativity? Why the harping on
what is wrong without appreciating the good?
The process of learning Torah and avodas hamussar is meant to train us to
see the tov. We are to acquire an ayin tovah that allows us to discern the
good in what we do have and to appreciate the fortune that abounds, if only we
were ready to look a little deeper. In order to be good Jews, we have to be
happy with the present and positive about the future. If we aren’t, it is an
indication of how much we are lacking in the study of Torah and mussar.
Torah and mussar keep the person who studies them active, optimistic,
energetic and positive. It shapes an individual into a mentch, a person who respects others and is worthy of respect
The Ohr
Hachaim Hakadosh (6:9) explains that the reason the Jews in Mitzrayim were
not able to listen to the words of Moshe was because they were not bnei Torah. Torah broadens a person’s
heart, he says. Had they been bnei Torah,
they would have been receptive to Moshe’s message. We, who have been granted
the gift of Torah, have no excuse for not being open to hearing the words of
the Moshe Rabbeinus of our generation and those who seek to improve our lots
and help us prepare ourselves for the geulah.
Every week, there are dinners, parlor
meetings and receptions for yeshivos,
shuls and mosdos of tzedakah and chesed. People open their wallets and
help each other.
We must ensure that we don’t fall into
the category of “velo shomu el Moshe,”
those who aren’t able to accept good news. Let us not grow so despondent about
our situation that we can’t hear and see the good that is prevalent.
We need to be positive and open to
hearing the words and teachings of the Moshes of the generation. Our emunah must be such that it allows us to
believe, accept and work on messages that seek our improvement and promise to
bring us closer to geulah.
We are currently in the last stages of
the final golus. The three earlier
exiles were caused by the sins of avodah
zarah, gilui arayos and shefichas domim. The current golus is caused by lashon hara and sinas chinom.
In order to merit the geulah, we have to uproot those sins and
remove them from our midst. Ridding our people of them is increasingly
difficult, but since it is a prerequisite to getting us to the place where we
belong, we need to work to rid division and derision from our people.
Despite the emphasis placed on rectifying
them, they linger, seemingly ever present. There are so many programs and
projects designed to rectify us, but we remain divided and gossipy nonetheless.
Rav Tzadok Hakohein says (Pri Tzaddik, Rosh Chodesh Nissan) that
Moshe Rabbeinu explained to Hashem that appealing to Paroh would be of no use.
“Aich yishmo’eini Paroh,” Paroh would
not listen, he said, because “va’ani aral
Although Hashem, who is “som peh l’adam,” assured Moshe Rabbeinu
that He would repair his speech defect and Paroh would accept what he says,
Moshe explained his reticence in approaching Paroh, because “va’ani aral sefosoyim,” referring to the
orlah, which refers to the yeitzer hara. Moshe complained that the yeitzer hara was blocking his voice from
being heard and accepted.
Moshe was the messenger of the Bnei Yisroel and derived his energy from
them. As long as they were sinful, he was not able to speak on their behalf.
His sefosayim were covered by orlah, so to speak. But when the Bnei Yisroel did teshuvah, returned to the study of Torah, and renewed their faith in Hashem, Moshe was able to speak
to Paroh on their behalf.
The Arizal
taught that the name of the chag of Pesach hints to the gift of speech, as
it can be pronounced as peh soch, which literally translates as the mouth speaks.
We must be careful not to become
overwhelmed by the tumah of our
surroundings. We must not let the areilus
overtake us, but always remember to live Yiddishe
lives of kedusha and taharah, dedicated to dikduk b’lashon, kiyum hamitzvos and limud haTorah.
Areilus hardens our
souls and causes us to engage in lashon
hora and sinas chinom, which subvert the heart of man and cause so much
negativity, machlokes and hatred. We
must reinforce our emunah that we
have the ability to bring about the geulah
if we conduct ourselves in a way that allows Moshe to speak and permits us to
hear his message.
What’s doing? Great things are happening.
What’s happening? Great stuff!
Every day we get a little better.
Every day our people are improving. There
is more Torah, more achdus, and more tzedakah.
day, there are more zechuyos to get
us – and keep us – on track to be mekabeil
pnei Moshiach tzidkeinu.
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