Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
I read an obituary last week which greatly inspired me. No, it was not in
the Yated, it was way too short and besides it wasn’t about the type of person
we normally write about.
The article was about an old man who lived to 95. The father of three,
“grandfather of three and great-grandfather of three, died February 17 at his
home in Carmel, NY.”
That was the first sentence. The second sentence reads: “He fought in the
Battle of the Bulge, was a master gardener and raised orchids, and was
president of several companies.”
And that’s it. That’s all there is to write about the man from Carmel who
lived to 95. One could be excused for thinking that his greatest accomplishment
was to fight in the Battle of the Bulge.
Interestingly, the article doesn’t say if he stood out in his fighting
ability or earned any medals for his valor under fire.
We can be excused for thinking that he was a simple soldier. He enlisted,
or more likely was drafted into the army. Went through training, learned how to
shoot, and was sent to the battlefield. Thankfully he survived, though that was
not as great an accomplishment as fighting.
Surviving that particular battle was no simple matter, it was the
second-most lethal battle for Americans in the Second World War, killing 19,276
American men and boys in a six-week period. Ultimately, the allies won and
defeated the Germans, bringing the end of WWII much closer.
The man from Carmel fought in that war. Very impressive. And that’s about
it for him. He had three children, which is also an impressive accomplishment.
And that’s really basically all there is to say about him. How sad. So many
decades spent in this world and so little to say for all that time.
Now, he also gardened, and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it
is quite a nice activity. It provides exercise, is calming, and usually is
productive, helping the earth to give forth fine produce and flowers. This man
apparently took a special interest in growing orchids, something his biographer
finds quite important to mention.
Don’t get me wrong, orchids are difficult to grow. In fact, I read
somewhere that even professional growers can not keep many of them alive.
The statement that he was president of several companies, seems to
indicate that he did okay for himself financially, but we can’t be sure because
it is added like an afterthought. His life was about gardening and the Battle
of the Bulge.
I hope nobody sues me and I have no hideous intention to libeling this
man, but the obituary got me thinking.
There is so much we can accomplish here, but life is so fleeting, and if
we don’t set ourselves to it, we may wake up one day and have accomplished
little more than gardening and toying with orchids.
Why think such morbid thoughts at the outset of Adar Beis, just a couple
weeks ahead of Purim and the most festive time of the Jewish calendar.
Firstly, because everything that happens and everything we read and see
should prompt us to learn a lesson and become a better person. Chancing on the
obituary was for a purpose, for in our lives there is no chance, everything is
for a reason.
This week we read parshas Vayakheil, its name referring to the
morning after Yom Kippur when Moshe gathered together the Jewish people as he
returned from Har Sinai with the second set of luchos. He spoke to them
about constructing the mishkon and the need for their donations of the
material necessary for the mishkon and its keilim; and the
clothing of the kohanim.
The people rushed to bring of their possessions and craftsmen lined up to
assist in the construction effort under the direction of Bezalel.
Donating and working in unison, the job was completed.
This Shabbos we “bentch rosh chodesh” proclaiming the arrival of Adar
Beis, the month in which the nes purim took place as the Jews came
together as one unit, fasting, praying and doing teshuvah.
This week is also Parshas Shekolim, as we read the first six pesukim
of parshas Ki Sisa which speak of the commandment to count the Jewish
people. Every man over the age of twenty contributed a half-shekel coin (to the
avodah of the mishkon and korbanos tzibur) and those coins
were counted. The poor could not give a smaller denomination coin and the rich
could not give one that was more valuable. Everyone was obligated to give a
half-shekel coin.
Many commentators discuss why the Torah favored a half-shekel, as opposed
to each person giving a complete shekel. The oft-quoted explanation was
provided by Rav Shlomo Alkabetz, Tzefas mystic and most famously the author of Lecha
Dodi, who said that this is to show that each person on his own is only a
part, he only becomes a whole, when he joins with the rest of the community.
Rabbeinu Bachya takes it a step deeper and says that since these coins
also brought about forgiveness - the posuk refers to their contribution
as kofer nefesh – that is caused when a person donates for the greater
community. Just as the coins join together and are used for the greater
communal good, so too the merits of each individual are joined together with
the others and each participant is accredited with the communal accomplishment.
Such achdus has a tremendous power, giving the individual the
strength of everyone together. No person can stand up to the microscope of the mishpot
of the Beis Din Shel Maaloh, but when the people are united then
they all rise together and every individual’s zechuyos are combined into
one large communal zechus which belongs to each participant.
The Alter of Kelm doesn’t quote Rabbeinu Bachya, but he takes it a step
further, and explains that something that one person does by himself can’t
accomplish the same thing as when two people together perform the same act. If
one middle class person seeks to invest his money he cannot expect a handsome
gain, however if a group of people pool together their money they can create a
larger business and profit much more than each person would have on his own
with a small business.
The same applies with charity, one person on his own cannot provide all
the support the poor need. However, if many people join together and each gives
what he can, the poor will have been provided for, and each individual is
rewarded as if he had provided for all the poor people the group’s
contributions supported.
The mishkon as well could not have been built had everyone not
responded to Moshe’s appeal for material and labor; it was only because each
person contributed, therefore the credit for construction of the holy edifice
was accrued to each person.
It is for this reason that the Torah states than no man can give more
than another for the count, to show that since each person did what they can
for the greater good, it is considered as if each person built the mishkon.
One person cannot move a heavy rock, but if a large people join together,
their efforts receive added strength and they can accomplish what they want.
Our days are numbered, but the more we join with others, the more we come
together as a group, the more we can accomplish and the more zechuyos we
earn for ourselves. The actions which we can perform in our limited years take
on much more effectiveness and eternity when we don’t stand off alone,
unaccompanied, but as part of a shul, a community, Am Yisroel.
If you look at a beautifully landscaped field, it is each blade of grass
which contributes to the beauty. One blade on its own is barely perceptible,
but when you combine one perfect blade with another and another and another,
you begin to have something to marvel over.
The same is with a field of flowers, orchids for example. Each orchid by
itself needs to be nourished and cared for to survive and stand out for its
beauty and colorization. But what is even more beautiful is when you observe a
field of orchids.
Every member of Klal Yisroel is like an orchid, with proper care,
nourishment and light, it is something beautiful. But the beauty of our people
is so much greater if all the orchids join together and provide a display of
gorgeous exquisiteness way off into the horizon.
This week we have three achdus markers: Vayakheil, Shekolim
and Chodesh Adar.
Let us have had enough of squabbling, of finding fault, of speaking
negatively about and to other people.
Let us resolve to join together, to help each other grow, to nurture one
another and to see the beauty in each other.
Like one who raises orchids.